Evaluating Sources

OPVL Method

Where the source comes from: What sort of source it is (primary, second ary, scholarly, mass media, database etc.) Source materials of unknown origin are usually not useful in the research process.
The reason the source was created: Some sources are academic articles to inform while others may be personal diaries or journals that record an event. Other sources may try to mislead readers with carefully selected information.
What parts of the source help answer your research question or contribte to your thesis?
Restrictions on the value of the source: Perhaps it is incomplete because part of the original has been lost. Perhaps the source has too much or too little detail or it ignores certain important and relevant perspectives.

CRAAP Method

When was the info published or posted? Has it been updated? Do you need the most current info for your topic?
Does the information directly relate to your topic? Does it help you answer questions? Have you looked at other sources to find the best one?
Who is the author or publisher? Are they qualified to write about the topic? If it’s a website, does the URL say anything about the source? .com .gov .edu .org?
Is the info supported by evidence? Can you verify the info with another source? Is the author or publisher biased or unbiased?
What is the purpose of the info? To teach, sell, persuade, or entertain? Is the info a fact or an opinion? Again, is the author or publisher biased or unbiased?

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